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[영작] 온실효과

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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한글 1단락 영문 1단락 같이 있습니다...
참고 많이 하시기 바랍니다.


1. What is the Greenhouse Effect?

2. Substance causing Greenhouse Effect
① carbon dioxide
② Methane
③ Freon gas
④ Nitrous oxide
⑤ Ozone

3. The effect of the Greenhouse Effect
① climate change
② Rising of Sea water
③ The changes of agriculture ecosystem
④ Desertification
⑤ Distribution of living organism

4. Countermeasures against global warming

5. Environmental consideration outweighing economic point of view is needed.


The green house effect is that greenhouse gas functions as an insulating blanket. Actually the greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide or vapor in the Air plays a very important role of maintaining the same temperature of the earth.
Without greenhouse gases the temperature of the earth will go up to tens of degrees during a day while it will go down to 60 degrees below zero at night due to the total emission of heat to the outer space like Mars.
Thus, the greenhouse effect, that is considered as harmful in relation to environmental issues, is indeed not a problem. Rather it refers to the global warming that can be caused or has already been caused by extreme amount of greenhouse gases.

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