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(영문에세이) 친디아의 부상 - 중국과 인도, 과연 누가 승자가 될 것인가? 과연 인도는 중국을 따라잡을 수 있을까? 중국 경제 및 인도 경제의 펀더멘탈 / 장단점 비교를 통해 두 나라의 발전 방향에 대해 논해보았습니다.

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최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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(영문에세이) 친디아의 부상 - 중국과 인도, 과연 누가 승자가 될 것인가? 과연 인도는 중국을 따라잡을 수 있을까? 중국 경제 및 인도 경제의 펀더멘탈 / 장단점 비교를 통해 두 나라의 발전 방향에 대해 논해보았습니다.


I. Introduction

II. View from the early 2000's: India might be able to overtake China
II.1 Demographics: people power
II.2 Law and Institutions: Democratic vs. Communist regime

III. Debunking the myth: Will India really be able to make it?
III. 1 Demographics: how to make the most of so-called 'people power'?
III. 2 Law and Institutions: the 'stability' of regime matters more than 'which' regime

IV. Conclusion


I. Introduction

Over the past couple of decades, China has consolidated its status as the world's second biggest economic power.
Meanwhile, the rise of India has not been any less important topic.
The term 'Chindia' has even been coined in order to refer to two of the fastest growing major economies of the world which happen to share similar characteristics.
Moreover, the comparison between China and India has constantly been made over the past decade because they are geographically proximate, are both regarded as growing countries and are both among the fastest growing major economies in the world.
Together, they contain over one-third of the world's population (2.5 billion), and they have been named as countries with the highest potential for growth in the next 50 years in a BRIC report. (Lawson & Purushothaman, 2003)

As much as these two countries share similar characteristics, some economists have predicted that the fate of each country may take quite different paths.

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(영문에세이) 친디아의 부상 - 중국과 인도, 과연 누가 승자가 될 것인가? 과연 인도는 중국을 따라잡을 수 있을까? 중국 경제 및 인도 경제의 펀더멘탈 / 장단점 비교를 통해 두 나라의 발전 방향에 대해 논해보았습니다.
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