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생태박물관과 박물관 교육 -북촌마을을 생태박물관으로 볼 때 박물관 교육-

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
27페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 오명숙


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 생태박물관의 개념
Ⅲ. 생태박물관과 북촌마을의 상관관계 분석
1. 생태박물관의 구조와 기능
2. 북촌마을의 생태자원 현황
3. 외국의 생태박물관 사례
Ⅳ. 생태박물관의 박물관 교육
1. 생태박물관의 교육목표
2. 생태박물관의 박물관 교육 사례
Ⅴ. 맺음말

한국어 초록

그동안 박물관을 떠올리면 고고역사, 미 술사, 민속박물관을 일반적인 박물관으로 여겨왔다. 이
들 박물관들은 박물관이라는 실체적 건축물 안에 수집물을 전시하는 방식으로 관람객과 일방적으
로 소통하였다- 오늘날 정보사회에서는 쌍방향 통신을 위한 새로운 박물관의 개념이 필요한 시대
가 되었다. 일방적으로 주어지는 전시의 개념을 벗어나 스스로 참여하고 창조하는 지역공동체의
구심점으로 박물관의 역할이 증대되어야 할때다
박물관의 기능을 「과거 인류가 남긴 문화유산을 수집 , 보관, 전시하는 곳」이라 하던 초기 ICOM
에서의 정의가 이제는 「인간과 인간환경의 물질적인 유형의 증거를 보유하고 연구하여 전시리는
수단을 통해 일반공중에게 공개하여 교육적인 성과를 거두도록 하는 모든 항구적인 시설」을 뜻하
게 되었다 1) 박물관의 기능도시대에 따른다른 양상을땀을 볼수 있다.

영어 초록

This study investigates 'Cultivating Bookchon’, one of urban regeneration businesses promoted
by the city of Seoul in the light of the concept of ecomuseums. It is argued that this business is
possible to preserve and succeed traditional culture only by approaching from the concept of
ecomuseums since it aims at the preservation of traditional Korean houses.
This article defines the structure and functions of ecomuseums to understand their relationship
with Bookchon, which is being developed in terms of a historical, cultural value and the
preservation of traditional houses. It also explores that ecomuseums are the combination of lifelong
learning and local commmuties by studying a system of ecological circulation which brings
human, natural and social environment together relatively ignored until now. It suggests the
directions of ecomuseum education as a means of subjects and methods, and future-oriented
value of musemll education.
Ecomuseums consider the life of the living in nature as material evidence. They encourage local
population to participate actively in collecting, preserving, studying and exhibiting this life.
Therefore, they may be defmed as a non-profit and permanent institution in order to contribute to
research, education and science.
Ecomuseums are multidisciplinay integrat:ion covering the fields of individul disciplines, and
they should cultivate both the nature and human environment of a commmuty over times. One of
their specific elements distinguished from conventional museums is to distribute an educat:ional
role of museums to the members of the community as the embodiment of ordinary life. In other
words, ecomuseums are a communily movement of the commllnity realization in preserving,
studying, exhibitng, and educating the ecology of the community.
While traditional museums select objects separated from a sense of community, ecomuseums
present objects on display derived from the process of history and change of a local community
and the lives of local people become the educational material. Museum staff operate the
collections, research and development of educational programmes in traditional museums,
whereas ecomuseums are maintained by voluntary work and discussions of local people.
Educational goals of ecomuseurns should be interactive education for the survival of nature and
human beings, peace education for understancling of the characteristics between regions and
generations, and living cultural education for continuosly possible development.
The educational goal of <experiential class of old days> provided in the cultural center of
Boochon is to understand particularity of our culture and practise it. It aims at realization of
human beings who may select themes from the life experiences, discover their meanings and
values, and practise them as a culture in life
It should be considered to make Bookchon as cultivating, house improvement business, or
accommodation and experiential space to activate cultural industry. Moreover, local people
should cherish and grow their own culture, and make a structure regenerated as cultural industry.
They should form a mllseum structure as its original, accept the whole functions of traditional
museums such as research, collecting and education, and connect to lI niversity education,
specialised human resource, which employs local ecological resource. As traditional culture
becomes diluted and disappearing, ’Cultivating Bookchon’ should be approached in
multidisciplinary way.
Bookchon should be an ecomuseum which introduces museum marketing for reasonable
management, improves quality of life, and shifts the direction of existing cultural industry. In
order that local people in Bookchon live an ecological life and make it a movement to share, they
and institutions concerned should be aware of the concept of ecomuseums. ThllS, Bookchon
should be a local museum which discovers, researches and educates their ecologial resource.
In the future, if we make Bookchon from the perspective of ecomuseums, this will be a shortcut
to preserve traditional culture, and to overcome conflicts from the lack of other cultures, different
points of views between generations and uniformity of local cultures according to the policy of
new liberalism.

참고 자료



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