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Simulating the overall Amplitude Modulation (AM) Procedure

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
50페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction

2. Theory
2.1. Modulation
2.2. Demodulation (Coherent Detection)
2.3. Noise
2.4. Phase Error

3. Project Process
3.1. Without Noise
3.1.1. Modulation
3.1.2. Demodulation
3.1.3. Summary
3.2. With Noise
3.3. With Phase Error

4. Result
4.1. Without Noise
4.2. With Noise
4.3. With Phase Error
4.4. Plot Summary

5. Conclusion

6. Reference


1. Introduction
AM is sensitive, so it can be easily mixed with noise and phase error. This affects the original signal to have some distortion. In this project, I will compare between the ideal demodulated signal and the demodulated signal with noise or phase error. Especially, I will compare some demodulated signals how they will change regarding to noise.

2. Theory
2.1. Modulation
Briefly speaking, AM is the way to load the voice signal on the carrier signal. The picture below is an abstract shape of AM.

<중 략>

Briefly speaking, AM is that the carrier signal changes linearly around the message signal. In the process of simulation, I successfully made the AM signal and found the original message signal by using coherent demodulation method.
This kind of modulation is so sensitive to exterior noise. This makes some distortion to the received signal in the end. Through the simulation of combining noise and phase error, I found the results following.
◉ When the magnitude of the noise increases, the distortion of the demodulated signal becomes large.
◉ When the phase error increases, the magnitude of the demodulated signal decreases.

참고 자료

Simon Haykin·Michael Moher, Second Ed., Introduction to ANALOG & DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS, Wiley, 2007
판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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