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쿠바 음악에 관한 영어 에세이

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But, I heard Cuban music at the first time on Cultural history of western and eastern music class. And additionally I found some Cuban music. First, I heard 'Son' is essential music style on Cuban music. 'Son' have been holden central place at Cuban music. Also, 'Son' music represent Cuban music, and it is based at African music. So I tried to hear 'Son' music. 'Chan Chan' is very popular music by part of 'Son' music. I felt at the dynamic rhythm at first, and next I could hear high density music playing at the 'Chan Chan'. It was very attractive music. And I felt 'Son' was the music that is played many type of percussion, it was attractive spanish music, Of course it was based on African dynamic rhythm. 'Son' have passion and elegance. So they affect American jazz music and 'Salsa'. Even they affect African music inversely.
I also heard 'Nueva Trova' music. It was different at the 'Son'. It have meaningful lyrics. And it was lyrical and pure music. So Cuban government supported this music.
And I searched some information on short history of Cuban music
The Caribbean island of Cuba has been influential in the development of multiple musical styles in the 19th and 20th centuries. The roots of most Cuban musical forms lie in the cabildos, a form of social club among African slaves brought to the island. Cabildos preserved African cultural traditions, even after the Emancipation in 1886 forced them to unite with the Roman Catholic church. At the same time, a religion called Santería was developing and had soon spread throughout Cuba, Haiti and other nearby islands. Santería influenced Cuba's music, as percussion is an inherent part of the religion. Each orisha, or deity, is associated with colors, emotions, Roman Catholic saints and drum patterns called toques. By the 20th century, elements of Santería music had appeared in popular and folk forms.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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