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(focus on effect) sexual idol 이 아이들에게 미치는 영향

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




“The Miley Cyrus complex – an ontology of slut-shaming.” This is the title by Laurie Penny of NewStatesman.com. At this summer, Miley Cyrus performed on the VMA stage, which is the most influential award for teenager. The problem is that Miley Cyrus performed the dance called twerking dancing with hip in front of billion viewers. Twerking dance is close to the description of sexual act. Many teenage girls watched without readiness of mind because the award was live broadcast. The level of performance was not pleasant in anyway even in the case of adults. At the day after the award, every mass media has criticized the host of VMA and Miley Cyrus. However, the responds of teenagers were different. They said that it was cool performance ever on the social network service like twitter. Teenagers idolized that singer who performed like intimacy. These days there are many female singers who can exert massive influences to teenagers. Teenagers can easily get influenced by these idolized celebrities.


참고 자료

Michael, Rich, The Influence of Entertainment Media, thenationalcampaign.org. Web.
Youngsuk, Shin, Q & A sexual problems, we7942.or.kr. Web.
Minsu, Gu, The bad effects of sexual harmful content, Seoul: Hanul Academy, 2011. Print.
Seokhwan, Park, R-rated and harmful contents, Hangyeore 03 March. 2012: 5. Print
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(focus on effect) sexual idol 이 아이들에게 미치는 영향
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