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FM Research

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
26페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Part 1
1. Problem Statement
2. Objective
3. Methodology Scope

Part 2
1. Outsourcing Scope in KH library
2. Problems of KH library outsourcing
3. Outcome Measurement in KH Library

Part 3
1. Other Libraries’ Outsourcing Case
2. Effective Operation Method for KH library
3. Research Limitation and Suggestion


Outsourcing is a strategic method that focuses on becoming competitive using limited amount of resources and aims to lower the cost by transferring a portion or portions of business to the third party thus increases productivity and professionalism. If outsourcing is conducted successfully, the business can focus on their main business and gains higher chance to become more competitive.
(Lee Kyo Chan, 2008)
Outsourcing can not only resolve problems related to lacking of technology, worker, professional information but also reduce the cost of labor and makes the organization become much more competitive. Thus, using of third parties to effectively manage the business can lower the cost and one can expect the increase in productivity.
(Moon Hye Young, Myung Kyung Sook, Kim Hong Bum, 2011)

<중 략>

In-house staffs should plan and analyze the effects of outsourcing by themselves and make policies that fit Kyunghee University’s current condition.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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