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가치투자의 비밀 (The Little of Value Investing) 독후감

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


크리스토퍼 브라운 (Christopher Brown) 의 유명한 재무관련저서
가치투자의 비밀 (The Little of Value Investing) 에 관한 Book Review 입니다.


1. Book Summary
2. Author’s main contention / Strengths and Weaknesses
3. How the book changes my way of thought


Book Summary

Ch. 1 Basic Principles of Value Investing
The first main principle of value investing is that you need to decide stock investments in the way as you do shopping. In the ordinary market, demand increases as price decreases, and decreases as price increases. But in stocks, people tend not to follow this basic rational principle, but usually follow word-of-mouth and popularity, making unreasonable and irrational decision. Just as in shopping, cheap stocks are the better; they are in sales.

<중 략>

The author explains value investing in brief words and sentences so that the readers can understand the concept easier. When suggesting principles to actualize value investing, the author points out some of important mistakes that lots of people usually make, and emphasize which aspects the investors need to focus on. For example, example of shopping that illustrates people buying products when they are cheap, but not stocks when they are cheap was interesting because even I was thinking decrease in stock price was bad. Also, when explaining how to find out cheap and valuable stocks, the book suggests reasonable steps to follow that help readers easy to understand.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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가치투자의 비밀 (The Little of Value Investing) 독후감
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