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Analysis about E-bay (Final Report)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ Introduction
Ⅰ-1 Abstract
Ⅰ-2 Theory
Ⅰ-3 Company overview

Ⅱ EBay
Ⅱ-1 Trustworthiness of the Internet Trading Partner at EBay
Ⅱ-2 Trustworthiness of the Internet as a Trading Channel at EBay
Ⅱ-3 Business Environment and Regulations for Electronic Commerce
Ⅱ-3-1 In U.S.
Ⅱ-3-2 In U.K.

Ⅲ Conclusion

Ⅳ Reference


Ⅰ-1 Abstract
It is nearly undisputable that trust is the most critical issue regarding online transactions especially in case of B2C or C2C. However, when the issue of trust in online commerce is discussed, it is usually discussed from the point of only buyer’s perspective. However, our group thought that seller’s perspective also needs to be taken into consideration when talking about trust issue, as they are another main subject of online commerce. So our group tried to look at the trust issue from the perspectives of both the buyers and sellers.
Throughout the project, we will be talking about what affects the uncertainties and risks of both buyers and sellers and how they could be reduced.

<중 략>

We’ve looked at how online trust is established in electronic commerce through specific example of EBay. EBay has established trust gadget to build trust between sellers and buyers. There are two specific system run in EBay. First one is Rating System. EBay had a feedback rating system in which buyers can give positive, negative, or neutral ratings to sellers and also sellers can do the same for buyers. However, there was a change in this law in 2008 that sellers can’t make a negative evaluation for buyers. EBay came up with alternatives for this system; therefore, sellers can set buyer requirement, and there is a new program called seller reporting hub.
Second on is paypal system. Unlike offline transactions, buyers and sellers do not meet face to face in online transactions.

참고 자료

2009, Javelin strategy and research, a research company in USA
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Analysis about E-bay (Final Report)
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