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tips for giving a good job interview : how to essay

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3 Tips for a Successful Job Interview
What do you think is the youth unemployment rate in Korea? According to the National Statistical Office`s reports, jobless figure of people aged 15 to 24 has continuously increased in the past few years. It eventually reached as high as 9.1% last month, and it is expected to stay above 8% for months without a significant change. Furthermore the average employment competition of listed companies stood at 88:1 in 2012. Therefore college students are striving to get good grades and build qualifications regardless of their sex, major or what year they are in. However, we should be all aware of the importance of a good job interview as well as other qualifications in order to survive the tight labor market. I can give you some advice to give a great job interview because I`ve got a lot of information from my uncle who has several experiences as an interviewer, and my friends told me a lot about their previous interviews. If you remember this advice, you can interview well and be employed at the company you desire.
First, practice mock interviews over and over again. Many people feel pressure about interviews, so they make mistakes easily and cannot perform to the best of their ability.
However, you might feel much comfortable with the interview if you prepare it completely just as with the old saying ‘Practice makes perfect.’ You should anticipate likely questions and plan answers. There are common job interview questions which are rarely missed out such as "Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?" or "What is your biggest flaw?" They seem too simple but they are the most important and fundamental questions that will show your personality and values. Furthermore, you should search for information of some previous interviews held at the company you apply. It will let you know what the company values and give you the picture of the overall situation. You should also keep up with the latest news related to the company’s business. We are living in a rapidly changing world. New technology and scientific theory are developed each day.

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