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박근혜는 누구인가. 여자 대통령의로써의 삶.

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17페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Who is Park Geun-Hye?
3. What kind of president will Park Geun-hye be?
4. What made Ms.Park as First Female president?
5. Conclusion
6. Limitation
7. Reference


The need of people (male) with a sense of “the big picture” as opposed to people (females) whose horizons and loyalties were “limited” to the family and clan. Thus the private family role forced on most women formed part of the basis for making them “ineligible” for political roles.
Linda K.Richter 1991.
Hypothesis 1. Patriarchy

They usually are successors to murdered or disgraced male leaders. Dynastic succession is a “natural” outgrowth of such family-based political networks
Thompson, Mark R, 2003
Hypothesis 2. Political Dynasty

Background of Park Geun-hye
Ms.Park as first female president
Analysis using some theories
Prediction about her path as the president

참고 자료

Hyun-kyung, Kang (2012, 09, 03). Atheist Park may have advantages. The Korea Times. Retrieved 5 March 2013.
Voting figures for proportional representation by parties (in Korean). National Election Commission. Retrieved 4 May 2013.
South Korea: Park Likely to be First Female President. Spearhead Research. 28 August 2012. Retrieved 13 November 2012.
Guray, Geoffrey Lou (December 19, 2012 at 12:18 PM EDT). South Korea Elects First Female President -- Who Is She?. PBS NewsHour. Retrieved 25 April 2012.
Kirk, D. (2012, Dec 19). South korea elects its first woman president, park geun-hye. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1240750899?accountid=130127
Ortner S.B, Whitehead H. (1981) Sexual Meanings: The cultural construction of Gender and Sexuality, Cambridge University Press
Linda K. Richter, (1991) Exploring Theories of Female Leadership in South and Southeast Asia, Pacific Affairs, no,4, p526
Thompson, Mark R, (2003) Female Leadership of democratic transition in Asia, Pacific Affairs, 75, 4, P 535
D.T (2013, 2, 25) Back to the Blue House, The Economists. Retrieved 10 May, 2013
Seoul (2013, 1, 5) Plenty on her plate, The Economists. Retrieved 10 May, 2013
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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