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[영어1] Technology Competes for Family Time 영어 본문 해석

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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When the Johnson family bought their first computer several years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were thrilled that their children had access to so much information through the Internet. Now, though, they`re not as excited anymore.
"Our family spends more time surfing the Internet than communicating with each other," complains Mr.Johnson. The Johnson family is not alone in this situation. According to research by the Annenberg Center for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California, in 2006,11% of Americans said they were spending less time with their families. Last year, the number almost tripled to 28%.
It seems that as Internet use becomes more popular, the amount of family time decreases. Many parents are concerned about this reduction in the time their families spend together, and Michael Gilbert agrees. He is a researcher at the Annenberg Center. "Most people think of the Internet and our digital future as boundless-unlimited-,and I do too," Gilbert said. However, he added, "It can`t be a good thing that families are spending less face0to0face time together."

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