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[영작] A biography of favorite famous person: Hong Myeong-Bo

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최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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가장 좋아하는 유명인에 대한 전기문(biography
) 입니다

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Do you remember the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup Games? I'm sure there is no one who don't know the name of the captain of Korean team. I think the player Hong Myeong-Bo is one of the top players who can represent Korean team. In every respect such as his talent, effort and personality etc., he is worthy of admiration. He made every effort, overcame difficulties and contributed to Korean soccer. He established a lot of new records in the world of Korean soccer. He was chosen as a member of the national team in 1990 and has taken active parts in a lot of A-match games. A journalist described him " He had considerable effects on the world of Korean soccer enough for many people to say we can't mention Korean soccer without him." (http://www3.yonhapnews.net/cgi-bin/naver/getnews?
0*************0+20*************8 박성제 >His record of A-match games is the top of Korean players and worldwide such players may be counted on the fingers. He is the first player of Korean players who attended four consecutive World Cup Games. He took part in Italy World Cup Game in 1990, U.S.A in 1994, France in 1998 and 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup Game.

참고 자료


park seong joe.(2002). 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan,[World Wide Web]. http://www3.yonhapnews.net. Yonhapnews. [2002, March].

Lee dong hyeon. (2002). The Hong Myeong-Bo scholarship fund, [World Wide Web].
http://kr.db.sports.yahoo.com/fifaworldcup/news. Yahoo. [2002, july]

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[영작] A  biography of favorite famous person: Hong Myeong-Bo
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