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[리서치페이퍼, 영문, A+] Women’s role in 1st world and 3rd world/ women`s right/ 세계여성의 인권비교와 인권문제

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최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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세계각국의 여성인권문제에 대해 영문으로 작성한 리서치 페이퍼입니다.
특히 이란( 중동, 아시아)과 미국여성들의 인권을 비교함으로써 아시아지역의 여성인권실태와 한경을 분석하고 해결방안을 제시합니다.
미국현지에서 작성한 글이며 원어민을 통해 교정받은 최종 수정본입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Women’s role in the 3rd world
3. Education of Women in Iran
4. Gender discrimination in Iran
5. Women in 3rd world should have more rights
6. Women’s role in the 1st world
7. Conclusion
8. References


Women’s right is increasing? Is this a sexual equality world? Women and men should have the same rights. There should be no discrimination and sex violence in every country. Women’s right has different definition in 1st world and 3rd world. 1st world and 3rd was categorized by income by World Bank. The country which has high income is 1st world and has lower income is 3rd world.
In Iran, only 29% of Iran’s women are in adult labor force and, 46% of US women are in adult labor force. Also, the rate of women who involve economic activity in Iran is 32% compared to US which are 59%.How come the result of these countries is so different? (Table 1)

<중 략>

In Iran, female enrollment in Iranian universities is rising and, men and women are equal when they apply university. The increased enrollment might due to women have more time to study because men have to do military service for two years.Most men prefer to go to military rather than college. Although the opportunity of going college has increased, the role of women did not change. They still are women in Iran which means they should stay at home to take care of children. A lot of educated women in Iran wonder that what the different life they have with higher education. Young women who have university degree want to involve in society, however, higher education only help with their intelligence but financially.

참고 자료

(2009, January 29). The Iranian Revolution at 30 [Electronic version]. Women, 46-52
Johnnetta B.C. (2003). Gender talk: the struggle for women. Retrieved July 6, 2009 from Highline College Library catalog
Shavarini M. (2009). The social (and economic) implications of being an educated woman in Iran. Harvard Educational Review, 79, 132-141. Retrieved July 9, 2009, from ProQuest
Burkholder R. (2004, July 20). Gallup Poll of Iraq: What Prospect for Women’s Rights?. Retrieved July 7, 2009, from http://www.gallup.com/
Basu M. (2009, June 19). Women in Iran march against discrimination. CNN News.
Whitson S.L. (2007, Dec 16). Iran: release women’s rights activists immediately. Retrieved July 14, 2009, from http://www.hrw.org
Foerstel, K. (2008). Women’s right: are violence and discrimination against women declining. CQ Global Researcher, 2, Retrieved 24 June. 2009, from CQ Global Researcher
Hrm.org. (2009, July 8). Retrieved July 15, 2009, from http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2009/07/08/saudi-arabia-women-s-rights-pro
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[리서치페이퍼, 영문, A+] Women’s role in 1st world and 3rd world/ women`s right/  세계여성의 인권비교와 인권문제
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