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How has Female status been changing in China

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최종 저작일
19페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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중국 북경에 있는 UIBE 대외경제무역대학에서 중국 여성의 인권, 그리고 그것의 변천사와 나아가야할 길에 대해 영어로 발표한 피피티입니다.


CHAPTER 01. Intro
CHAPTER 02. The Status of traditional Chinese woman
CHAPTER 03. The Change of Woman’s Status Examined through LAW
CHAPTER 04. The Change of Woman’s Status Examined through Economy
CHAPTER 05. The Change of Woman’s Status Examined through Society


In Socialism, the house is basic unit
-> woman is important member of house
-> woman should be respected with man as this means
Marriage Law of the PRC abolished feudal marriage
-> The law also asserted the rights of woman to divorce at will
many people didn’t fully understand
-> Women still suffered from marriage inequality.
Legal couple at once and after registration, under both husband and wife’s
woman can be a member of man’s family
In the case of divorce, she deserved remunerate.
In other words, the value of house work is recognized.

It was also the first time to make the regulation about domestic violence. What’s more, the new law intended references to older practices such as concubinage and taised the age of marriage to twenty-two for men and twenty for women.
Since 1980s, China’s government has formulated or amended laws and regulations to increase the protection of women.

참고 자료

강윤옥, 最近 十年을 통해서 본 中國 女姓의 地位變化 樣相, 女性/家族生活硏究 第8集, 2004
신은영, 中國의 改革開放政策과 都市女性의 地位, 2001
어주영, 中國社會에서 女性 地位의 考察, 베이징사무소, 2007
이정은, A study of Chinese womens family status : Focus on Urban Women since the Reform era, 韓國外國語大學校 國際地役大學院 中國學科 2008年 論文
함은선, 中國現代社會에서의 兩性平等 意識檢討, 地役學論集 第8集, 2004
The Global Gender Gap Report 2012(http://www.weforum.org)
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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How has Female status been changing in China
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