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The life of St. Francis of Assisi

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성 프란시스의 생애와 주요사상에 다루고 있습니다. 영어원서 자료를 인용했습니다.


1.성 프란시스의 성장 및 역사적 배경
2.성 프란시스 삶의 주요 원리
3.성 프란시스의 십자가 성흔
4.성 프란시스의 죽음


The Life of St Francis in Assisi
St. Francis is one of most popular saints in the history of church. Life of St Francis has still inspired Christians after his death for hundreds of years. He was a great monk, reformer, and founder of St Franciscan in the age of decaying church. Thus this presentation seeks to introduce about life and major principle of St Francis.
Ⅰ.Back ground
Growing back ground.
St Francis was born in the Umbrian town of Assisi in Italy ago eight hundred years ago as
a son of rich merchant in the 12th centry. The year of Francis birth is estimated in1181 or 1182. The name of St Francis means “Little Frenchman” because when his father was traveling in France, his mother gave birth to him. Francis was lavished of money and he had spent most times with parties and drinking because he had plenty of money in his young days.

<중 략>

Francis predicted the day of his death ago a long time. When the time of death came near, he laid aside the tabernacle of his body. Before death, while he was suffering because his bones were shattered by the falling, he praised Lord, “I thank Lord. This suffering shall be most acceptable to me because I can participate in the suffering of Lord.” After Francis death, his life and spirit has flowed to today. Francis is not just great saint in the Middle Ages because many people has believed the name of Jesus and the Bible, but they do not live like Jesus and practice the word of the Bible. However, St Francis showed and modeled how to live like Jesus as a Christian through his life.

참고 자료

St Bonaventure, The Life of St Francis of Assisi, North Carolina: Saint Benedict Press, 2010
Schieper, X, Saint Francis of Assisi, London, England : Frederick Muller,1981
Nigg,W, Saint Francis of Assisi , London, England: Mowbray,1975
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The life of St. Francis of Assisi
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