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남녀 소비자 비교 영문 페이퍼

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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경제 발전에 다른 소비자 소비형태의 변화를 남,여 를 중심으로 비교 분석한 영문 보고서 입니다.


1. Introduction (P1)
- General Backgrounds

2. Main
- Comparison male and female income (P1 - P)

- Changing shopping power, and trend (P3 - P)

- Reason that why it changed

- How has it an effect on Economy? (P8 – P12)

3. Conclusion (P12)

4. Graph (P13 - P14)

5. Bibliography (P15)


Conclusion (P12)
Graph (P13 - P14)
Bibliography (P15)
I want to explain about male and female shopper. When the economy grows, it affects a lot to our society, and growing of economy brings vivacious actions of economy. These days, the consumption of goods have rapidly increased due to the increase of income, rapidly increasing trend of nuclear family system, change of consumers mind, leisure boom and?more participation of women into the society activity.
Comparison male and female income
There are biggest different things between male and female shopper. It is income. The consumption is influenced by Income. But Male have long earned more than female, even after differences in the number of hours worked, specialty, practice setting, and other characteristics are taken into account.

<중 략>

At present, companies are making an effort to create products that stimulate men’s interest. Males changing sense of values is the reason for new marketing general trend. Assuming this is true it will have an epact the economy. According to this reason, if companies want to make profits from consumers, they have to pay attention and try to understand the consumer thoroughly. In my opinion these kinds of economic movements are unchangeable.
Reason that why it changed
How has it an effect on Economy
What kind of effect does it have on the economy?

참고 자료

Doug Hen wood. Business Observer #65 “Women working” Article August 1994

Derm Store. “The Metrosexual Man” Article
12 Jan 2004
Parag Khanna. Yale global online. “The Metrosexual Superpower” Article, issue of Foreign Policy. August 2004
Laurence C. Baker, Ph.D. “Differences in Earnings between Male and Female Physicians”. Journal Article. April 11, 1996: 2(18)

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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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