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Delimitation of Maritime boundaries

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24페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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UN 해양법과 관련한 국가간 해양경계 획선




16. Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries

1. Introduction
 A range of different types of maritime zones.
- Initially the claims to the territorial sea were so limited( little consideration).
- Territorial sea claims expanded further into the oceans and new maritime zones were added, there was an increasing need to settle upon methods for maritime boundary delimitation.
 2 instances,
- Firstly, in the case of adjacent states : to address how the adjoining territorial sea claims of these states would be delimited. Then continental shelf, fishing zone, EEZ
- Secondly, opposite states : Initially, not pose much difficulty, however when continental shelf claims gained popularity following the Truman Proclamation.
 Gradually over time, initial maritime claims has been replaced by focus upon overlapping maritime claims which require boundary delimitation.
 The principle of the mid-channel or thalweg had some currency in the case where two states shared a river and there was a need to determine the international boundary through the river.
-As Fulton observed, by applying these principles to the seas the effect was that ‘the mid-line in the sea lying between the coasts of two states was held to be the boundary of their respective maritime jurisdiction or sovereignty.


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