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옥상정원의 실태와 사례 및 해결방안

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


옥상정원의 실태와 사례 및 해결방안




도시 주거밀집지역에서 옥상정원 실태와 개선방안에 관한 연구
-서울시 광진구를 중심으로-
A study on Status and Improvement Points for Roof Garden in Urban
Density Residential Area : Focused on Gwangjin-gu in Seoul


The purpose of this study was to analyze the status of roof gardens in urban density residential area and to make suggestions and solutions to improvement roof garden. Based on the fieldwork conducted with an elaborate questionaires on roof gardens in the city residential area including development and utilization status of roof gardens. The result are follows. Firstly, we have discovered roof garden of the ordinary house in the city are mainly to grow vegetables like the popular lettuce, peppers, cabbage which are the common vegetables served on the dining table. Secondly, maintaining roof gardens may encounter problems like soil and water leakage due to the lack of facilities and problems that the roof garden can be accessed by everyone living in the apartments as well as visitors. thirdly, the studies also discovered that the average utilization of garden area is only 25.9% of the entire roof was used for vegetable gardening, below the average standard. fourth , the users were lack of understanding on the roof garden of the features. To this end, improvements had been made to provide basic research fields of study.

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