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[영화감상] 어퓨굿맨-영작

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1페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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Santiago as navy in Us marine corps is assaulted by seniority .Because he was often turned over in train or a run. So he applied to the upper part for transfer. And he told about that illegal shooting against civil base in Cuba. In order to hide the truth upper part ordered code-red to Santiago. Upper part ignored the santiago's letter. Code-red is a sort of lynch that tacitly carried out in navy. Santiago is dead because of code-red. Douney & Dorsen are doubted as suspect of this case. And they don't tell the truth. To solve of this case Daniel caphy,Sam and Joe are appointed as lawyer.They try to rescue Douney and Dorsen. To prove of their innocence, caphy call a testifier but their statement is unfavorable against Douney and Dorsen. One day, caphy meets Markinson and caphy listend from Markinson that Jeshep ordered code-red to Santiago and he was fake the case. So caphy asked to Markinson that states in court,but after a few days Markinson killed himseltf. To make their more miserable Douney's statement is disadvantage for law court. So Caphy, Sam and Joe disappointed......... But finally he call Jeshep he confess his guilt.

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