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Job analasis in finiencial area (재무분야에서의 직업) 리포트(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영어라서 처음엔 자칫 어렵다고 생각할 수 있지만 쉬운 영어로 해놓아서 해석하는데에는 그렇게 어렵지 않을 것입니다. 동일한 제목으로 검색하시면 발표PPT도 이용하실 수 있습니다.^^*



Ⅰ. Intro

Ⅱ. A important jobs in financial area

1. Analyst
- Requirements & Attitude for Analyst
- What do they do
- Career Path
- Famous person

2. Fund manager
- Requirements & Attitude for Analyst
- What do they do
- Career Path
- Famous person

3. Quant
- Requirements & Attitude for Analyst
- What do they do
- Career Path
- Famous person

Ⅲ. Outro


2. A important jobs in financial area

◉Requirements & Attitude for Analyst
To be a financial analyst, It is required to be registered as financial analyst to the Korea Financial Investment Association by passing exam of financial licenses, for example which is a certified research analyst. otherwise it need to be having experiences on 1 year as Research Analyst or 2 year research career on a financial institution.
Financial analysts always need to have a brand-new information on the specific companies as well as whole market situation. they need to maintain top of all kinds of news with their own special insight derived from background knowledge, such as economic, accounting, finance. Financial analysts should have a talent for researching. Because one of the key roles of a financial analyst has to do with gathering data that influences the investment decision making.

◉What do they do
Usually Financial analyst specializes their own industry sector, such as energy, electronic technology, heavy industry. They converts all the raw financial data affecting company`s stock prices into useful information, which are target prices, yields, investment risks. then, based on these analyzed information they suggest own opinion whether investor should buy the stocks or not. therefore financial analysts are acting like navigation on security market. they yields theoretical framework of company`s future value. also, Based on their output, they communicate with fund managers to get the funding.

참고 자료

위키 피디아 워렌 버핏
위키피디아 ' Financial analyst'
네이버 백과사전 펀드매니저
preparing for a career as a portfolio manager
네이버 호랑 할배의 블로그
The quants –Scott Paterson-
How I became a quant -Richard R. Lindsey-
애널리스트 세상에서 제일 좋은 직업' , 용대인 저, 페이퍼로드, 2011
애널리스트 포트폴리오 매니저 되는법', 이재광 저, 21세기북스, 2010
My life as a quant –Emanuel Derman-
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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