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열전달 실험 보고서

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


열전달 실험 보고서


1. The definition of heat conduction

2. The examination of the thermal conduction theory
2.1 Thermal conduction
2.2 Thermal resistance
2.3 Fourier`s thermal conduction relations

3. Constance of important solid and liquid, and other property

4. Research of thermal conduction`s practical field
4.1 Vacuum glass for building`s adiabatic
4.2 Application in the white home appliances
4.3 Application in the developing superconduction material

5. Result

6. Consideration


1. The definition of heat conduction
It means transfer of heat energy. In a broad sense, it means transfer, radiation, convection, but in a narrow sense, it means heat transfer between the surface of fluid and solid.

Transfer occurs in solid. It can be produced in inside of one solid, or between two bordering solid. the transfer is heat conduction by diffusion of molecule vibration.
Aluminum stick, for example, if we applied heat at one side, the aluminum molecules in that place will be vibrated. For a moment, it reached a state of equilibrium of one side is hot and the other side is cold. At once, the vibration of one side is move into the other side. This phenomenon keeps going at all molecules are in the same place.
Great attention should be paid to that transfer is occurred in only inside of solid. The atom in solid doesn`t move but vibrate. In opposite, the fluid atom could be moved and vibrated.

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