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documentary summary

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1페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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documentray summary on Zapata and the Mexican Revolution




Provenance: Mexico. Diario del Hogar. 1911. As translated in `The Plan of Ayala`, Appendix B, in J. Womack Jr., Zapata and the Mexican Revolution, New York: Knopf, 1969, 307-313.
Subject: This is a translated Plan de Ayala which objects to Mexico revolution.
Summary: This document explains the reason of the Plan de Ayala. Zapata, the leader of the Plan de Ayala, sets fifteen points to overthrow the dictatorships from Mexican government. Zapata describes Don Francisco I. Madero as tyrant and argues that he does not respect Mexico and his government is not for people of Mexico instead he enslaves Mexicans. Zapata begins the revolution to overthrow the dictatorial powers of Francisco I. Madero and to bring liberties for Mexico.

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