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7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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Reasons behind attending universities


Reasons behind attending universities
Abortion equals Murder
plastic surgery


According to the Longman dictionary, the word university means "an educational institution at the highest level, where you study for a degree". In fact, universities differ in many aspects such as educational level, an academic things, and good curricula. Also, our objectives to attend universities differ from person to person. Moreover, the majority of us attend university for two main reasons which are increasing knowledge and getting more chances for jobs in the future.

Many people enter universities to get more information and knowledge in fields we enroll for. Universities are considered as an important source of learning. For instance, because of professors in the universities are well-educated, well-certified and sophisticated. They are considered as a direct source of information from which students can contact and interact with to gain information. Moreover, libraries at the universities are deemed one of most important references for students to get knowledge related to their studying. For example, Libraries contain many references such as books, past papers, researches, articles, and CDs that facilitate research for students.

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