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동아제약 생리대 템포(tempo) 제품분석과 마케팅분석[영문레포트]

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
82페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 6,000원 할인쿠폰받기


본 자료는 신촌 Y대수업 기말과제로 제출하여 A+를 받았던 리포트입니다

한학기동안 6명의 조원들이 많은 브레인스토밍을통해 열과성의를다해 만들었습니다.

인터넷으로 검색한자료가 아니라 도서관에서 책들을보며 직접 작성한 자료입니다.
그래서 여기서 판매되는다른 레포트랑 중복되는내용이 전혀없는레포트입니다.



1. Introduction
Ⅰ. 4Ps of Tempo
Ⅱ. Positioning
Ⅲ. SWOT Analysis
Ⅳ. Management problems
Ⅴ. Research objectives 11
Ⅵ. Hypothesis
2. Appendix
3. Quantitative research
Ⅰ. Frequencies
① Non-users
② Users
4. Quantitative Research
Ⅰ. Non-users
① Factors
② Coefficient of correlation
Ⅱ. Users
① Factors
② Liner Regression Analysis
③ Coefficient of correlation
5. Conclusion of quantitative Reserch
6. Recommendation
Ⅰ. Short-term goal-Tempo ‘Gift’
Ⅱ. The long term-ACU Program


The sanitary products are necessaries for women approximately for forty years from puberty to menopause. Customers do not uniquely show different buying power among age range since they menstruate about the same amount a month. Furthermore, customers tend to habitually buy one brand. While the average menopause age ranging between 50~55 are stable, the average menarche age is getting lower. The market size therefore is growing. According to the Research conducted in the 7 largest cities in Korea by Hanguk Research, a woman uses 21.6 pads per one menstrual cycle throughout her whole life, and there are approximately 13 million women who use sanitary product. The research also describes the total number of the sanitary product is about 2.3 billion, which makes a market of around 300 billion won. Similarly, according to another research conducted by the South Korean National Statics office research in 2002, sanitary product market is around 360 billion won which is a very big market; toothpaste, one of the crucial necessities, market is around 175 billion . The main firms in the Korean sanitary market are Yuhan-Kimberly, Korean P&G, Daehan Pulp, and CJ.
Tempo is a brand of tampons. A tampon is a plug of cotton or other absorbent material inserted into a body cavity or wound to absorb bodily fluid. The most common type in daily use (and the topic of the remainder of this article) is a usually disposable plug that is designed to be inserted into the vagina during menstruation to absorb the flow of blood.
The Korean tampon market does not have a long history. Tempo was launched in the Korean market as a first tampon product by Dongah in 2001. After that, Playtex, the popular tampon brand around the world, was imported by Boryung. Now there are several tampon brands. The Korean tampon market are in the infant level, furthermore, there are still some problems which will mentioned below. Tempo and other tampons occupy only about 3% of the whole Korean sanitary market. However, because of the point in the facts that more and more women work, that their life styles becomes western ones and that tampons complement the weak point of conventional sanitary napkins, the tampon market in the whole Korean sanitary market is expected to grow.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Diamond사업자인증


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동아제약 생리대 템포(tempo) 제품분석과 마케팅분석[영문레포트]
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