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[컴퓨터공학]BIM Handbook Chapter5[5.1~5.3] 요약

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


BIM handbook
Hoboken, N.J. :Wiley

Chapter5[5.1~5.3]까지 요약입니다.
고생해서 힘들게 만든 자료입니다.


5.0 Executive Summary
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Scope Of Design Services
5.2.1 The Concept of Information Development
5.2.2 Technical Collaborations
5.3 BIM Use in Design Processes
5.3.1 Concept Design and Preliminary Analyses
5.3.2 Building System Design and Analysis/Simulation


Building Information Modeling can be considered an epochal transition in design practice.

By partially automating the detailing of construction level building models, BIM redistributes the distribution of effort, placing more emphasis on conceptual design.

Direct benefits include easy methods guaranteeing consistency across all drawings and reports, automating spatial interference checking, providing a strong base for interfacing analysis/simulation/cost applications and enhancing visualization at all scales and phases of the project.

The impact of BIM on design from four viewpoints:
Conceptual design
The integration of engineering services
Construction level modeling
Design-Construction integration

Adoption of BIM into practice, such as:
The evolutionary steps to replace 2D drawings with 3D digital models
Automated drawing and document preparation
Managing the level of detail within building models
The development and management of libraries of components and assemblies
New means for integrating specifications and cost estimation

BIM increases the value that designers can offer to clients and the public.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[컴퓨터공학]BIM Handbook Chapter5[5.1~5.3] 요약
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