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Das 토질역학 연습문제 chapter 9.

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Das 토질역학 연습문제 chapter 9.


9.1 A soil element is shown in Figure 9.33. Determine the following:
a. Maximum and minimum principal stresses

<중 략>

9.21The plan of a flexible Rectangular loaded area is shown in Figure 9.45. The
uniformly distributed load on the flexible area, , is 1800lb/ft
. Determine the increase


9.7 Point loads of magnitude 2000,4000, and 6000lb act at A, B, and C, respectively
(figure 9.39). Determine the increase in vertical stress at a depth of 10 ft below point
D. Use Boussinesq`s equation.
9.8 Repeat Problem 9.7 using Westergaard`s solution. Use = 0.4.
9.9 Refer to Figure 9.40. Determine the vertical stress increase, at point A with
the following values:
= 100 kN/m = 3 m
= 200 kN/m = 2 m
z = 2 m

9.12 Refer to Figure 9.41. Due to the application of line loads and , the vertical
stress increase, , at A is 10 kN/nm
. Determine the magnitude of .
9.13 Refer to Figure 9.14. Given: B = 10ft, q = 200lb/ft
, = 8ft, and z = 8ft.
Determine the vertical stress increase, , at point A.

9.14 Repeat Problem 9.13 for B = 3m, = 60kN/m
, = 1.5m, and z = 3m.

9.15 Refer to Figure 9.16. Given: B = 1m, = 1.5m, and z = 0.75m. The vertical
stress increase at A due to the horizontal strip load is 9 kN/m
. Determine the
magnitude of .

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