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The value of the Chinese renminbi

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The value of the Chinese renminbi 영문작성 리포트



Chinese economy and currency regime

Assessment of recent movement of Chinese currency

Estimating the equilibrium value of the renminbi

Relationship between undervaluation of the renminbi with global imbalance

Impacts of the renminbi appreciation
on Chinese and U.S. economy




Currently, one of the most important economical issues worldwide is the dramatic growth of Chinese economy. People’s Republic of China (PRC) is already going beyond one of the noticeable emerging markets and playing a critical role in the world economy. As a newly developing country, however, this county which has traditionally adopted socialism is still experiencing a variety of changes in its economical system accepting the components of capitalism. Under this circumstance, there have been a number of controversial issues about the evaluation of Chinese economy. Especially, many economists in the world have been arguing about the value of Chinese currency which is called renminbi (RMB). Nevertheless, the opinion that the Chinese renminbi has been undervalued to the U.S. dollar is predominant, and most economists agree with this opinion. From this perspective, this paper will explain the Chinese economical situation and its currency regime. In addition, the value of Chinese renminbi will be examined and some issues about this currency will be discussed in the paper.

참고 자료

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The value of the Chinese renminbi
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