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Benefit of Television

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Argument essay for college writing
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For most people, watching television is a significant part of their lives. People watch television for entertainment, news, and learning about politics. These are some positive aspects of television, but there are several negative aspects as well. People insist that watching television has numerous of bad effects on people, for instance, causing them to be less creative and less active. Some also go as far to dub the television as an “idiot box.” In the BBC news article, Children ‘recover’ from TV harm, researchers found that if kids watch too much television, they would be likely to suffer behavioral problems later in life. Because of these finding, they recommend that children should be restricted in how much television they watch (gtd. in Hopkins). Although there are such negative aspects of watching television, it is true that there are also good effects of television. Nevertheless, in the same article, a lecturer in psychotherapy at Roehampton University said: “Human behavior is far more complex than these measures of behavior and social skills – there may well be some more subtle form of harm of that is undetected (gtd. in House).” In other words, many experts are worried about kids

참고 자료

Work cited
Austan, Goolsbee. "Proof that TV doesn`t Harm Kids." Slate Magazine. 10 Mar. 2009 <http://www.slate.com/id/2136372/>.
Aylin, Junta. Nazli, Baydar. Cigdem, Kagitcibasi. “Effects of an Educational Television Program on Preschoolers: Variability in Benefits” Applied Developmental Psychology Vol. 29 (2008): P 350.
and 4 more..
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