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<리서치페이퍼> The Facts of Overpopulation (reserch paper)

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최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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인구과잉에 대한 리서치 페이퍼

미국 ELS 마스터를 졸업하면서 2달동안 쓰고 고치고 쓰고 고치고 하면서

제출 했던 리서치 페이퍼 입니다... A+ 받음


Some myths about Overpopulation
Facts of Overpopulation
Causes of Overpopulation
Effects of Overpopulation
Solutions for Overpopulation



50 years ago, the world population was 2.5 billion. 25 years ago it was 4.8 billion. And 10 years ago it was 6billion. Do you know how many people are living in the world?

Almost 7billion people are living in it now. And many researchers predict that the world population will increase to 8.5billion in 2020. This is an amazing number. Although 50 years ago, the world population was 2.5billion, it has been rising steadily.
This is a chart of population density by country:

The above data is about density of the world population. This picture shows that Asian countries play a key role in the increase in world population. In fact, Asia accounts for 60% of the world’s population. Besides, China and India’s population are almost 2.5 billion. Now it is inevitable that we are facing overpopulation. But, what is overpopulation? It is not simply population density (amount of people per landmass), but rather the number of people in an area relative to its resources and the capacity of the environment to sustain human activities. Nowadays, overpopulation causes many problems in the environmental and an exhaustion of resources. We shouldn’t overlook this problem, and we need to understand correctly about this. There are also some myths about population. At first, I would like to share some myths in next paragraph.

참고 자료

Wikipedia. February 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. December 16.

World Population Awareness and World Overpopulation Awareness. July 21, 2008 . OVERPOPULATION originated. December 19

Albalagh Home. 9 JULY 2003 . Albalagh Home . December 21. http://www.albalagh.net/population/overpopulation.shtml

Winograd, Nathan. Redemption: The Myth of Pet Overpopulation and the No Kill Revolution in America. United States: Almaden Books, 2007


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&lt;리서치페이퍼&gt; The Facts of Overpopulation (reserch paper)
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