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[Oxford Bookworms] Sense & Sensibility

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챕터 별 요약, 전체 줄거리, 개인 서평이 담겨있습니다.




• The Dashwood family
In Susses, the head of the Dashwood family who was an unmarried man of great age had his nephew, Henry Dashwood, who expected to inherit his uncle’s fortune. Henry had a son whose name was John and three daughters by his present wife who had very little money. When the the head of Dashwood died, Henry had not inherited the man’s money. He had left his fortune to his son John and to John’s son. After one year Henry died, as he requested his son that he wanted him to take care of his stepmother and sisters, but Mr John Dashwood did not give money to them. Sir John Middleton who was a distant relation of Mrs Henry Dashwood wrote to offer her a small house near in Devonshire.

• A new home
Mrs Dashwood informed her stepson that she will live in Devonshire, and she knew that her daughter-in law, Fanny, disapproved the attachment between Edward who was Fanny’s brother and Elinor who was Mrs John Dashwood.’s sister-in-law. Before Mrs Dashwood left her house, she sent two of ther servant to Devonshire to prepare the house. They arrived at the Barton Cottage. Sir John Middleton invited Dashwood family to his landlord.

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[Oxford Bookworms] Sense & Sensibility


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