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Titania’s association with the moon – Diana, Selena, and the empty moon

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연세대학교 영문과 대학원생이 학부시절 작성한 영어레포트입니다. A+ 받았습니다.
셰익스피어의 한여름밤의 꿈 에서 Titania가 달의 이미지와 어떻게 연결되는지 서술했습니다.




Titania’s association with the moon – Diana, Selena, and the empty moon.
In “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Oberon is described as a being that can be invisible to human eyes: “But who comes here? I am invisible/ And I will overhear their conference” (Ⅱ.ⅰ. 186~187). Then how about normal fairies? In act 3, scene 2, when Demetrius and Hermia appear on the stage, Oberon hauls Puck by his side (41), which means that normal fairy – as Puck – has no such ability. Actually, during Bottom’s sojourn in the wood, he observes the fairies such as Peaseblossom, Cobweb, and Mustardseed. Yet the more important thing in this scene is, that he even sees their queen, Titania with his own eyes. Is not this “strange?” Titania is a character who possesses power great enough to face Oberon squarely; therefore, Titania the ‘queen’ of the fairies presumably possesses a power of invisibility just as Oberon the ‘king’ of the fairies does. On this premise, it looks odd that Bottom has an unstrained contact with Titania.
Moreover, when considering the assertion of John A. Allen that Titania is closely associated with the goddess of the moon, Diana, Bottom’s contact with Titania grows more implausible. The moon symbolizes the cyclic three-phases of life: chastity (Diana), propagation (Selena), and death (Hecate). Titania for now represents chastity – and as a goddess of chastity, Diana is cruel enough to make Actaeon bitten to death only because he ‘saw’ her.

참고 자료

Shakespeare, William. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Ed. R. A. Foakes. UK: University of Cambridge. 2006.
John A. Allen. “Bottom and Titania.” Shakespeare Quarterly. Vol. 18, No. 2. (Spring, 1967)
Hoffman, Michael. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Fox Searchlight Pictures. 1999
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Titania’s association with the moon – Diana, Selena, and the empty moon
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