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MOVIE REVIEW - V for Vendetta

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영화 리뷰 MOVIE REVIEW - V for Vendetta입니다.
k대학 실용영어 강의 시간에 제출한 과제용 리포트입니다.
A+ 받았습니다.




V for Vendetta was directed by James McTeigue who was Metrix assistant art director. Many famous actors appear in this movie- Hugo Wallace Weaving, Natalie Portman, John Vincent Hurt, Stephen Rea etc. Hugo Wallace Weaving who acted as Smith in Metrix made a great performance in the role of `V`. Although his face remained hidden behind the mask in the movie, his presence was the important point of this movie. And there is surprising thing that Natalie Portman had her head shaved because of acting for this movie.
The story of this movie is about perfectly oppressive society. After World War III was brought out, England government restrained freedom and suppressed any other differences. And V appeared to overthrow the government by getting supporters. `V for Vendetta` is meaningful in various points. This movie makes us aware that there was serious repression of free speech by the government and we should take back freedom of speech from the government.
In this movie, I was moved by V`s impressive words. “Behind the mask, there is flesh. And behind the flesh, there are ideas. And ideas are bulletproof.” is good example. This means that it is important to reform the society by firm faith instead of revenge by hatred.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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