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(토론대본) 조기교육에 관한 영어 토론

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조기교육에 관한 영어 대본입니다.
찬반으로 나뉘어져 있구요, 외국인 교수님이 직접 손봐주신 토론 대본입니다.
외국에서 기자생활을 하셨기때문에 문법상 걱정은 안하셔도 됩니다.




W – William. S-Student

W: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming in spite of the cold weather. As you know, the early education problem is raising its head, so we are trying to talk about.

Is there anyone who has any ideas about Korean children studying abroad early?

S1: I think that studying abroad early in foreign countries has many advantages. Because foreign languages can be learned more easily when the child is very young.

W: Will you send your child abroad to study a foreign language?

S1: Of course.

W: Good opinion. Thank you. Does anyone else have a comment?

S2: I’ve got a different idea.

W: What is it?

S2: It costs too much money and I don’t want to make my husband a wild goose daddy.

W: Thank you for your opinion. We listened to some opinions. Now let’s have some continued discussion about pro and con in regard to early education for Korean children.

BR: I’m also against our young children studying abroad. I think that they have a lot of trouble not only fitting into their foreign society, but also understanding what their foreign teacher has to say. This might give them a negative self-image and make them have trouble fitting into their new foreign society. And if after a year or so, they decide that it’s too much and they want to return to Korea, they might again have trouble adjusting to life once again in their home country.

During the first several months in their new environment, they are not likely to make many native friends. So they don’t have many opportunities to speak English. And they lose initial interest in their classes.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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AI 챗봇
2024년 05월 04일 토요일
AI 챗봇
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6:53 오전