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실용영어회화 3분발표 <the benefits of riding motorcycles>

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최종 저작일
1페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


실용영어회화 3분발표 짜리로 1페이지에 꽉 들어맞습니다.
cbt토플만점자(300)에게 문법적 오류 검증 받았고 독창적인 내용이라 남들과 중복되지 않으리라 확신합니다. 회화용이지만 작문용으로도 제출 가능할 것입니다.




the benefits of riding motorcycles

hi. my name is MB Lee. have you tried riding a motorcycle? if you never tried, i feel sorry for you because then you wouldn’t know the thrill of dashing across the HANGANG bridge at 120 kilometers per hour.

most people say that riding motorcycles are very dangerous. however, i disagree with them. in fact, the fear of death makes it more exciting.

motorcycles are small and do not weigh much. so streets packed with cars are no problem for motorcycles, and they can go into alleys, markets, and other places that cars cannot go into. you can also park where you want to. so i often go driving somewhere with it

(사진첨부) i once took a drive along a small road next to han river, and the changing scenery was wonderful. sadly, i didn’t have a girl riding behind me. however, a real man also enjoys solitary races. he also has a challenging spirit. one day there was a traffic jam and i took the “bus road.” unfortunately, i was seen by the police called 짭새 in korean slang. the police said to stop, but i ignored them and quickly sped away. i quickly passed through the cars, ran passed a red light, and hid into an alley. running away from the cops was an extraordinary and exciting experience.

because motorcycles are open, it is very refreshing. one day i was going home after drinking a bottle of soju at daehakro. unfortunately, i was caught by the police checking for drunk-driving. strangely, i breathed into the machine, but nothing happened. i think it was because riding in the cold, fresh air had reduced the influence of alcohol while i was driving.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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실용영어회화 3분발표 &lt;the benefits of riding motorcycles&gt;
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