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[인문]franchise(투어리즘, 하스피탈리티 매니지먼트) tourism and hospitality management

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최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영문으로된 자료로서 주인이 직접운영하는 사업과 프렌차이즈 사업에 대한 자세한 비교로 이루어 져있으며 관광과 하스피탈리티에서의 적용에 대해서도 자세히 논하여 져있습니다.
관광학과는 경영학과 영문과 공부하시는 분들께 도움이 될것입니다. ^^
저는 뉴질랜드 대학에 재학중인 학생입니다.




Nowadays,many people try to do small businesses in the food service industry. However, the businesses would not succeed without a great deal of market research and business planning.There are basically two ways of operating a business, including being a franchisee and being the owner of an independent business. Therefore, the owner should consider these advantages and disadvantages before starting the business. Furthermore, there are many different sectors which can affect success or failure of the business in the food service industry such a local and an international market, demography, geography and competitions from other catering businesses. Firstly, this essay will discuss about some ideas and information about two people in particular, who are considering opening a new restaurant at Raglan, including the specific information of Raglan, the demographics of the potential growth of the existing market, SWOT analysis for the restaurant, and the trend of catering in Auckland and Waikato regions. Secondly, this essay will explore some broad issues whether they should enter the food service industry as independent operators or by acquiring and operating a franchise. In addition, advantages and disadvantages of independent small business and franchising, as well as comparing and contrast between these two business areas will be explored.

참고 자료

Bloomsbury. (2003). Good small business guide: How to start and grow your own
business. London: Bloomsbury.
CCH Consumer Media Group. (2002). Start, run & grow a successful small business
(4th ed.). Riverwoods, Ill: CCH Incorporated.
DeLuca, F., & Hayes, J. P. (2001). Start small, finish big: Fifteen key lessons to start and
run your own successful business. New York: Warner.
Franchize Consultants New Zealand Ltd. (2003). New Zealand franchisor’s guide
(2nd ed.). Auckland: Franchise Association of New Zealand Inc.
Gerson, V. (2004, May 4). Characteristics of a successful business. National Federation
of Independent Business. Retrieved May 7, 2006,
from http://www.nfib.com/object/4244398.html
Higham, J. R. S., & Williams, S. (1999). The New Zealand small business guide.
Auckland: Penguin Books.
Love, R. N. (1988). Introduction to business in New Zealand (5th ed.). Palmerston North:
The Dunmore Press Ltd.
Marketingteacher. (2000-2006). SWOT analysis: Lesson. Retrieved May 7,
2006, from http://www.marketingteacher.com/Lessons/lesson_swot.htm
Raglan.Net.Nz. (2003). Raglan. Retrieved May 5, 2006, from
Senior, G., & McBride, I. (2000). Small business survival tactics: Managing your small
business in New Zealand for success & profit in the new century (1st ed.).
Christchurch: Enterprise Publications.
Statistics New Zealand. (2002). 2001 Census of population and dwellings ethnic groups.
Wellington: Statistics New Zealand.
Wikipedia. (2006). Small businesses. Retrieved April 16, 2006, from
Wolfe, R. L. (1994). Buying your first franchise. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]franchise(투어리즘, 하스피탈리티 매니지먼트) tourism and hospitality management
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