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[영어에세이]Studying alone vs Studying with a group

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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어학연수기관에서 쓴 contrast 대조 영어 에세이 입니다.
혼자공부하는것과 그룹공부하는것의 대조점을 바디3개로
충분히supporting해 놓았고 교수님의 수정도 받았습니다.
전형적인 미국에세이의 형식을 따랐으며 A+받은 에세이 입니다.
총 4장 분량으로 introduction body3개 conclusion으로 이뤄져있습니다.
학교에 외국인 교수님이 계시다면 이 에세이 형식보고
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형식을 따랐거든요!
그럼 좋은 점수 받으세요^-^



2.body 1

3.body 2

4.body 3



As contemporary society is advancing an unprecedented speed, there are a wide range of methods of study. Among the methods of study, the most general studying way would be the choice between studying alone and studying with a group. Some people prefer to study alone, while others want to get together to study. Since each had its own advantages, it is difficult to say which one is more desirable for studying. There can be divided into three different reasons such as efficient of studying, purpose of studying, and stimulation of studying.
First, focusing on purpose of studying, two types of studying is different. If people study alone, it may take much time to solve all problems for oneself. However, if people study in the group, the person can ask other members about some question which he cannot solve. What is more, he can distribute the task to each member and then gather the data that each of them does research with less time and endeavor when he does his research assignments. The more students there are, the more data they can acquire.

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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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[영어에세이]Studying alone vs Studying with a group
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2024년 05월 08일 수요일
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