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[영미문화] Why many of Koreans want to have more good English skills

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영미문화를 전공하고 졸업하면서 쓴 논문입니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Body
A.Why most Koreans want to have more good English skills
1.To have a high score of the published English test
2.To have a good well-fare job
3.To have more experiences in each foreign countries
B.Common ways of Korean to go to abroad for learning English
1.Working holidays
2.Learning at a university for a long time
C.Best proposals for each purpose
1.Suggestions the appropriate ways learning English for each purpose

Ⅲ. Conclusion.
1.There are appropriate ways of language learning

Ⅳ. References.


Ⅰ. Introduction

If you are studying English, why do you want to have better good English skills? Do you have purpose of learning English? Nowadays, there are many people who go to the America, Australia, Canada, UK and etc. And, there are also common ways of Koreans to go to abroad for learning English; working holidays, take some English courses in abroad, learning at the foreign university. Actually, however, most of Korean students who have an experiences that learning English in foreign countries have failed to have better English skills. Why they are failed to learning English? The reasons are like these; most popular English courses that for learning English are full of Koreans, many Korean student don’t know their purpose, there are appropriate ways in each purpose. For example, if you want to have high communication skills do not take English language course but make native friends.
In this essay, I will explain about common ways of abroad English learning, why many of Koreans want to have better good English skills. At last, I will suggest the appropriate ways in each purpose. I hope that my final paper can be useful to Korean students who want to study English in foreign country or have a plan to go to abroad.

참고 자료

Paul Harding and Sam Benson, “Australia”, 2002.4, Sydney, Australia, Lonely planets press.
Kim You Mi, “Go to the world”, 1997.2, Seoul, Korea, JANGRAK press.
Sim Ki Soo, “The fastest language learning and the right language learning”, 1997.3, Seoul, Korea, KIMYOUNGSA press.
Geon Hyo Shup, “The story of foreign students”, 1997.3, ALC press.
Arnold kitting and Mike, “CANADA”, 2002.4, Toronto, Canada, Lonely planets press.
Seung Gye Myung, “The latest information of language learning”, 2000.3, Seoul, Korea, DULNUEK press.
Http:// www. Bckore. Or. Kr
Http:// www. Fulbright. Or. kr
Http:// www. Cec. Or. Kr
Http:// www. Aec. Australia. Or .kr
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영미문화] Why many of Koreans want to have more good English skills
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