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[현대경제학] A Study on e-commerce in China (중국, 영어 과제)

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"[현대경제학] A Study on e-commerce in China (중국, 영어 과제)"에 대한 내용입니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Positive related to the country
2-1. Diversification of payment methods
2-2. Huge and stable domestic market
2-3. Chinese Government Policy

Ⅲ. Negative related to the country
3-1. International Political risk
3-2. Domestic political risk
3-3. Logistics system problems

Ⅳ. Future of the country



China's e-commerce market was 3.3 times larger than the second-largest US, and the Chinese version of Black Friday, Gwanggunje, already surpassed the US Black Friday sales in 2016, and the gap widened to $6.5 billion last year. In 2019, the sales of the Kwanggun Festival were $3.83 billion, up 25.7% from last year. The growth rate is also very fast. China's e-commerce market grew 57.2% in 2012-2017, 3.1 times steeper than the world average of 18.2%. The Chinese e-commerce 1 market is also the grave of a global platform. Global e-commerce companies such as Amazon and eBay have entered China, but withdrew due to low profits. Currently, the top 5 e-commerce market in China are TMALL(天猫), Jingdong(京東), Pinduoduo(拼多多), Suning(蘇寧), and VIPS(唯品會), all of which are Chinese platforms. In particular, Alibaba Group, which runs Taobao, is already challenging the global e-commerce market and is gradually expanding its influence. How did e- commerce in China achieve this record growth?

참고 자료

Baek, Young-Mi. 2015. “중국 전자상거래 시장의 최근동향 및 시사점,” 디지털융복합연구. 한국디지털정책학회, 13(1).
chinaskinny. https://bit.ly/2Msk9gL. (searched date: Jun. 03. 2020).
domeet webmaster. https://bit.ly/3cAXbPc. (searched date: Jun. 03. 2020).
World Bank. https://bit.ly/2z2C6Q5. (searched date: Jun. 03. 2020).
CSF중국전문가포럼. Apr 9, 2020. “中 국무원, 대외무역 안정 新조치 “46개 글로벌 전자상거래종합시범구 신설.” https://bit.ly/30gZbd7. (searched date: Jun. 05. 2020).
사이드뷰 인터넷신문. May 26, 2020. “中, 수출 주도 대신 내수 시장 개척에 집중.” https://bit.ly/2A6eOcp. (searched date: Jun. 04. 2020).
한국경제. Dec 5, 2019. "미국의 3.3배' 中전자상거래 시장…글로벌기업 무덤 됐다.” https://bit.ly/2Upliub, (searched date: Jun. 03. 2020).
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[현대경제학] A Study on e-commerce in China (중국, 영어 과제)
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