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The importance of human-centric marketing in the E-commerce industry_ based on the human-centric marketing strategy of Kakao Talk Gifts

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15페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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1. Introduction
1) The retail industry after Covid-19
2) Emergence of E-commerce industry
3) Human-centric marketing

2. Literature Review
1) Dove
3) Kakao Talk Gift

3. Discussion
1) SWOT analysis of Kakao Talk Gift
2) Reinforcing human-centric marketing in Kakao Talk Gift

4. Conclusion


The purpose of this paper is to find out the importance of human central marketing in the Ecommerce market, which has emerged rapidly since the pandemics. The wow-moments of customers toward a brand have expanded. By looking at various case studies it would further lead to a discussion about what marketing methods a brand should take.

Human-centric marketing is the approach that customers are being treated as whole human beings with minds, hearts, and spirits. It is important that marketers fulfill not only customers’ functional and emotional needs but also address their latent anxieties and desires.

After the pandemic had affected the global industry worldwide, changes in the marketing metrics have occurred faster than ever. In the background, there is the acceleration of the 4th Industrial Revolution and a shift in customer values. Moreover, the development of Ecommerce through the internet directly leads to changes in the retail industry.

참고 자료

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The importance of human-centric marketing in the E-commerce industry_ based on the human-centric marketing strategy of Kakao Talk Gifts
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