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경희대 국제학과) Culture and Society of Korea final paper

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"경희대 국제학과) Culture and Society of Korea final paper"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Impossiblity of intrinsic modernization
1) Impossiblity of intrinsic modernization
2) impossibility of the revolution (From top)
3) Fiction of Intrinsic modernity.

3. Modernization in Japan Colonial Period
1) Industrial sector
2) Institutional sector

4. Weakness of the Colonial modernization
1) Reality of industrialization
2) Unfairness of the Land investigation proposition
3) Unfairness of the Land investigation proposition

5. Conclusion
1) Significance
2) Limit of the research


Today, anti-Japanese sentiment is mainstream of Korea. Most of Koreans have common feeling against Japanese colonial period. Also, issues like comfort women and illegal conscription made it much severe. Thus, group reaction like Japan boycott has been taken place.
Despite this social atmosphere, Colonial modernity theory stroke a different note from mainstream. They criticized the dichotomous perspective which focus only on Japan’s suppression and Joseon’s resist. In addition, they pay attention on the contribution of Japan on Korea’s modernization. Since this characteristic seems like pro-Japanese, they has been treated as traitor in Korea society.
Thus, there is still continuous arguing between Colonial Modernity and Intrinsic Development. The main arguement is whether Joseon has the possibility of self-modernization. Former denies it but the latter believes in it.

참고 자료

Trends on the Debate of the theory of colonial modernization( LEE JUN SU, 2016)
Arguments on Economic growth during the Japanese colonial period in Korea(Oh Il Hyeong, 2008)
Colonial Modernity and Transformation of Peasant Movement (KIM DONG NO, 2007)
Huh Dong Hyun – Regarding the limit of the early 20th century’s Joseon for modernization.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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