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NC Soft analysis

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Introduction

II. Current Status of NC Soft
1. Sales performance
2. Business

III. Problem
1. Heavy dependency on Lineage IP
2. Low global sales
3. Lack of communication with users

IV. Suggestion for NC Soft
1. Developing new games besides Lineage
2. Improvement of billing structure.
3. Global market strategy
4. User friendly attitude

V. Conclusion

VI. References


I. Introduction
NC Soft is Korea's leading game company. It was founded on March 11, 1997 by founder Kim Taek-jin. It is in the business of developing and supplying online and mobile games. It was listed on the KOSDAQ, a Korean stock market, in 1999. The main games include Lineage, Aion, Blade and Soul. NC Soft has been on a roll in Korea based on Lineage games. However, it has recently been in trouble due to controversy over the billing structure, failure of new games, and the image of a company that cannot communicate. Through this report, I would like to identify the problems of NC Soft and present the necessary improvements to solve the problems.

II. Current Status of NC Soft
1. Sales performance
NC Soft's sales at the end of 2020 are KRW 24,16.1 billion. This is a figure that recorded 1701.2 billion won in 2019 and has grown significantly. The reason NC Soft was able to grow significantly in 2020 is that the number of users enjoying games has increased as they spend more time at home due to COVID-19.

참고 자료

NC Soft annual report, 2020.
김동준, 엔씨, 1년 3개월만에 주가 곤두박질... '블소2' 흥행 실패?, https://biz.newdaily.co.kr/site/data/html/2021/08/26/2021082600213.html, 2021.08.26.
최지연, 리니지 의존 낮춰라...엔씨소프트, 출격 앞둔 ‘블소2’ 흥행에 사활, https://www.digitaltoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=408987, 2021.07.12.
이다니엘, ‘해외 비중 94%’ 크래프톤, 2분기 영업익 1742억원
http://news.kmib.co.kr/article/view.asp?arcid=0016163440&code=61151111&stg=ws_real, 2021.08.12.
최지연, 엔씨소프트 롤백 보상 논란 장기화에 '비상'...리니지M 이용자 30%↓, https://www.digitaltoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=269078, 2021.03.30.
판매자 유형Platinum개인인증


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