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[화학공학기초실험A+] 물리화학실험 영문결과레포트 - 순수한 액체의 증기압 (Vapor Pressure of a Pure Liquid)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


[화공및고분자기초실험A+] 성균관대학교 화공및고분자기초실험 영문 결과레포트입니다.
관련 이론 등 예비레포트 내용은 포함되어 있지 않습니다.
실험 데이터 처리 및 분석 위주로 작성된 레포트입니다.


1. Result

2. Discussion
1) Errors on the approximations in the Clausius-Clapeyron equation
2) Errors in apparatus
3) Systematic error
4) Insufficient data

3. Summary

4. Reference


2. Discussion
A. Errors on the approximations in the Clausius-Clapeyron equation
In this experiment, we made two assumptions for Clausius-Clapeyron equation. First, the volume of liquid is negligible compared to the volume of gas. Second, the gas behaves perfectly.

1.The volume of liquid is really smaller than gas, but it can affect the experiment. Actually, it may not have a significant impact on the value, but it should be considered for a more precise experiment.
2.The gas we used is real gas, not ideal gas. Real gas behaves close to ideal gas at high temperature and low pressure condition. Compressibility factor, PV/RT is used as a basis for determining how close real gas move like ideal gas, and the closer this value is to 1, the closer it is to ideal gas.

참고 자료

Atkins, P. and de Paula, J. (2014) Atkins’ Physical chemistry. 9th Edition, Oxford University Press, p926, Table 3.2
Chemical Engineering & Polymer Basic Experiments (2020), Sungkyunkwan University School of Chemical Engineering, p10-14
Raymond Chang, Jason Overby (2019) General Chemistry. 13th Edition, McGrawHill Education, p213, Table 5.4, p492

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[화학공학기초실험A+] 물리화학실험 영문결과레포트 - 순수한 액체의 증기압 (Vapor Pressure of a Pure Liquid)
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