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To what extent is it viable for Emirates to provide their own routes on short-haul flights instead of outsourcing by using codeshares with budget airlines?

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38페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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"To what extent is it viable for Emirates to provide their own routes on short-haul flights instead of outsourcing by using codeshares with budget airlines?"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Analysis of SWOT analysis (Appendix I)
a) Strength
b) Weakness
c) Opportunities
d) Threats

4. Analysis of the PESTLE Analysis (Appendix II)

5. Analysis of Ansoff Matrix (Appendix III)

6. Conclusion and Evaluations

7. References for supporting documents

1) APPENDIX I (SWOT analysis of Emirates airline)
2) APPENDIX II (PESTLE analysis of Emirates airline)
a) Political
b) Economic
c) Social
d) Technological
e) Legal
f) Environmental
3) APPENDIX III (Ansoff Matrix of Emirates airline)

9. Supporting documents
1) Supporting document #1
2) Supporting document #2
3) Supporting document #3
4) Supporting document #4
5) Supporting document #5



Emirates Airlines is the world’s biggest carrier for 33 years and has remained one of the world's most impressive international airlines based in Dubai, UAE. Emirates has transformed into a trailblazer for travel and tourism famed worldwide for quality service.1
Emirates is known for operating only wide-body fleets2, travelling to 83 countries.3
With the addition of new international destinations, its network has been expanding periodically; in 2016-17, its overall flying capacity grew by 7%, supported by launching six new destinations, additional flights to existing destinations, and improvement of service quality using improved aircraft.4
Emirates has failed to attract additional customers due to the type of aircraft servicing its flights, unlike its competitors such as Etihad and Qatar. For example, as of 2017, Emirates served 19 destinations fewer than Qatar Airways because of the limited number of international airports that can hold wide-body fleets.5

참고 자료

“THE EMIRATES GROUP ANNUAL REPORT ǀ 2016-17.” The Emirates Group. https://cdn.ek.aero/downloads/ek/pdfs/report/annual_report_2017.pdf
Accessed 12 January. 2018
“Superjumbo Airline Emirates Thinking Smaller Again.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, www.money.cnn.com/2017/02/13/news/companies/emirates-small-airplane-study-clark-quest-interview/index.html Accessed 11 January.2018
“Analysis: Emirates and Flydubai To Merge Within the Next 18 Months.”
Airways Magazine, 29 June 2017, www.airwaysmag.com/airlines/analysis-emirates-flydubai-merge-within-next-18-months/ Accessed 16 January. 2018
Khatib, Hadi. “What Made Emirates Airline Agree on a Code-Share
Partnership.” AMEInfo, AMEInfo, 9 Dec. 2017,
www.ameinfo.com/transportation/will-flydubai-code-share-deal-save-emirates-airlines-plummeting-profits/ Accessed 16 January. 2018
Lucky. “Emirates Is Considering Radically Changing Their Fleet.” One Mile at a Time, 14 Feb. 2017,
www.onemileatatime.boardingarea.com/2017/02/14/emirates-fleet-changes/Accessed 13 January. 2018
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To what extent is it viable for Emirates to provide their own routes on short-haul flights instead of outsourcing by using codeshares with budget airlines?
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