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중앙대 스마트경영 Competing in the age of AI 과제

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중앙대 스마트경영 competing in the age of AI 과제입니다
과제 점수는 11/12점입니다


1. Page 4: (a) Explain briefly about Ant Financial Services based on news or internet articles. (b) Try to explain how Ant Financial Services differentiate itself from traditional competitors.
2. Page 4-5: "The AI Factory" Section explains its concept, strong vs. week AI, 4 components of AI Factory, and its example. Try to take an example of company outside of the article, apply its concept, types of AI, 4 components of AI factory. You may take an example of Korean company or other company on your own country.
3. Page 8 has a Figure titled as "How AI-Driven Companies Can...". Try to explain the rationale of this figure based on page 5-7 section "removing limits to scale, scope, and learning.
4. Page 7-8: Try to link this section (Rethinking strategy and capabilities) with traditional "Competitive Advantage (chapter 3)". In other words, explain how AI will change the traditional thinking of competitive advantage.
5. Provide the implication of this article upon your career. Try to explain how the arguments of this article might or would affect your career in future. Please take your own example. If you do not have your career plan, it is high time to structure it and think how it will exploit the coming age of AI.


I came to Seoul for the first time in 2016 and have been living in front of Ewha Womans University ever since. When I went to a store in front of the University, which was an essential course for Chinese tourists at the time, there was always a payment method that was not seen in my hometown, Busan. That was Alipay, which accounts for 55.6%of China's mobile payment market and is the root of Ant Group. The Ant Group started in Alibaba. Alibaba founder Marwin created Alipay by benchmarking eBay's payment system PayPal. Alipay has become the world's largest online payment platform with more than 1 billion users and 110 trillion yuan ($16 trillion) in payments in 2019. In 2011, Alipay was spun off to become today's Ant Group. Ant Group later became a representative company in China's electronic financial market by operating Internet bank MYBank, financial information service platform Zhao Chai Bao and micro-loan service Ant Check Later.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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