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[영어소논문] Bigotry Is A Disease - To mitigate hatred in our society / 편협함은 질병이다 - 우리 사회에서 혐오를 줄이려면

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"[영어소논문] Bigotry Is A Disease - To mitigate hatred in our society / 편협함은 질병이다 - 우리 사회에서 혐오를 줄이려면"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. 진로학술 탐구활동 주제 선정

2. 진로학술 탐구활동
1) One’s body is carved by society: applying epidemiology
2) Definition of the terms
3) Bigotry is a disease– pathologically, with evidence
4) The effects of bigotry in our society: algorithm keeps on
5) How it spreads: technology
6) Cause of bigotry
7) Stopping bigotry

3. 진로학술동아리 탐구활동을 마무리하며

4. 참고문헌


Ⅰ. 진로학술 탐구활동 주제 선정
‘Polarized’ would be a word that perfectly illustrates current society. Whenever individuals face conflicts with each other, the process of dealing with that conflict miss a chance for enough conversation among the public or experts, and people easily take a side without any effort to listen to others. This polarization was one of the phenomena that clearly demonstrated that bigotry is pervaded in our society.

Despite the radical development of science and technology, our perspective is remaining in the past. The problematic issues related with preservation of human rights that seemed to have eradicated in the past have appeared again with the infamous governors’ past of explicit discrimination against social minorities.

참고 자료

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Gratzinger, Ollie. “Gun Violence, Bigotry Must Not Define Our Generation. We Must Condemn It. • The Duquesne Duke.” The Duquesne Duke, 2 May 2019, www.duqsm.com/gun-violence-bigotry-must-not-define-our-generation-we-must-condemn-it/.
Herbert, Wray. “The Hidden Rules of Bigotry.” Association for Psychological Science, 2 July 2014, www.psychologicalscience.org/news/were-only-human/the-hidden-rules-of-bigotry.html.
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Wenke, Joe. “Getting to the Bottom of Bigotry.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 18 June 2013, www.huffpost.com/entry/getting-to-the-bottom-of-bigotry_b_3453830.
김승섭. 아픔이 길이 되려면. 동아시아, 2017.
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[영어소논문] Bigotry Is A Disease - To mitigate hatred in our society / 편협함은 질병이다 - 우리 사회에서 혐오를 줄이려면
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