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‘Perfectionism’ is a Disorder' 완벽주의는 정신병이다. Research Paper (1586단어)

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‘Perfectionism’ is a Disorder' 완벽주의는 정신병이다. 영어 에세이 작성입니다. (1586단어)
점수: A0
1. There are two types of perfectionism: normal and neurotic.
2. Perfection is related also with the self- esteem in sports.
3. Perfectionism can be also explored by its causes and its possible treatments, especially on cognitive and behavioral aspects.
4. Perfectionism is also associated with psychological adjustments in college students and we should examine whether or not students in private and public universities differ in their interpretation of ‘perfectionism.’




There are different aspects of perfectionism. However the bottom line is that neurotic perfectionism is what causes the problem. Studies of perfectionism in both students and athletes have yielded a similar behavior in that being a perfectionist hinders the potential to excel. While some researches study large groups of people, some others make an argument based on a single clinical sample. It explores the causes of perfectionism by looking at the cognitive and behavioral patterns of subjects. Also, one article directly compares two distinct student bodies, public and private university, to highlight the possibility of socio-cultural differences of perfectionism.

참고 자료

Atilgan, E., Yahya, K., Seda, A., & Anis, A. (2011). The Relationship Between Perfectionism and Depression in Turkish High School Students. Social Behavior and Personality, 451(464).
Gotwals, J. K., Dunn, J. H., & Wayment, H. A. (2003). An Examination of Perfectionism and Self-esteem in Intercollegiate Athletes. Journal of Sport Behavior, 17(28)., from Proquest (Document ID:01627341)
Greenspon, T. (2008). Making Sense of Error: A View of the Origins and Treatment of Perfectionism. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 62 (3), 263-282., from ProQuest. (Document ID: 213136100).
Hibbard, D., Davies, K. (2011). Perfectionism and Psychological Adjustment among College Students: Does Educational Context Matter?. North American Journal of Psychology, 13 (2), 187-200. , from ProQuest. (Document ID: 867838124).
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‘Perfectionism’ is a Disorder' 완벽주의는 정신병이다. Research Paper (1586단어)
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