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The development and aspects of early Joseon’s sadae relationship with Ming

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8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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This essay is about how Joseon




Korean peninsula is located in the east of Asian continent, bordered by China to the northwest. This geographical proximity with China has strongly influenced the history of Korea from the earliest times. For many centuries, Korea was a member state of the Chinese tribute system in Sinocentric order, acknowledging the superiority of the Chinese power over Korea. One example of Korea’s submissiveness to China is demonstrated in Chinese historical documents Da Ming Hui Dian, which is the collected statutes of the Ming dynasty, praising Korea as the best tributary states. It is praising Korea for 3 facts: (1) the Korean kings requested investiture regularly; (2) Korean envoys showed proper decorum and ritual; (3) Tribute of Korea was paid promptly (Feng, 2014, p.66) As shown in this example, Joseon was a representative vassal of Ming in history.
During the Joseon dynasty, the concept of ‘sadae (事大)’, which is interpreted as ‘serving the powerful’ defined the relationship with Ming(1368–1644).

참고 자료

Cheow, 2004, 'An ancient model for China's new power: paying tribute to Beijing', International Herald Tribune
Clark, D1978, Autonomy, Legitimacy, and Tributary Politics: Sino-Korean Relations in the Fall of Koryo and the Founding of the Yi, Ph.D.diss., Harvard University.
Dobson, W.A.C.H 1963, MenciusToronto: University of Toronto Press.
Feng Zhang 2014, Chinese Primacy in East Asian History: Deconstructing the Tribute System in China's Early Ming Dynasty , Proquest-LLC
Huang Zhilian, 1994. Dongya de liyi shijie: Zhongguo fengjian wangchao yu chaoxian bandao guanxi xingtai lun, Zhongguo Renmin Daxue Chubanshe, Beijing
Robert, K 2017, Korea-China Relations in History and Contemporary Implications, Palgrave Maccmillan , New York.
RDAK, 1953, Taejo/Jeongjong Sillok, vol.1 pp.141-2, 452-3.
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The development and aspects of early Joseon’s sadae relationship with Ming
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