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What are the challenges of peaceful Korean reunification and what efforts should be made to achieve it?

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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anotated bibliography 방식을 사용한 리포트입니다.
평화통일과 관련한 다양한 참고문헌들을 인용하여 작성한 리포트이기에 관련 주제에 도움이 될 것입니다.




The author, professor in the department of economics at the Yonsei University, researched the possible ideological conflicts between North and South Korea upon the reunification through comparing the capitalism and socialism which were revised in their own ways as ‘Eushin’ and ‘Juche’. The research was done under the support of National Research Foundation of Korea in 1998. The author focuses on the similarities between two ideologies and suggests that ‘communitarianism’ values would be able to alleviate the ideological conflicts upon reunification,......<중 략>

참고 자료

Hong Hun 홍훈. “Hanbando t’ongil gwa gwanllyŏndoen inyŏmjŏk kalt’unggwa haeso” 한반도 통일과 관련된 이념적 갈등과 해소 (Possible ideological Conflicts Upon the Reunification of the Korean Peninsula)(2001): 126~127
Kim yik- sŏng 김익성. “T’ongil ŭl wuhan nambukan kyŏngjyehyŏmnyŏkchŏnlyak gwa chojikhwa pangan: dogil t’ongil lobut’ŏ ŭi kyohun,” 통일을 위한 남북한 경제협력전략과 조직화 방안: 독일 통일로부터의 교훈(Strategies of economic cooperation for Korea unification)(2016): 24
Lee Jeong-woo, “Hanguk t’ongilchŏngch’aek ŭi chŏngaegwajŏng: Hyŏnsukchuŭijŏnk Haesŏk ŭi KwanJ ŏm esŏ,”한국 통일정책의 전개과정: 현실주의적 해석의 관점에서(Reviewing South Korea`s Reunification Policy: In the Lens of Realistic Interpretation)(2011):240
Lee Jeong-woo, “Hanguk t’ongilchŏngch’aek ŭi chŏngaegwajŏng: Hyŏnsukchuŭijŏnk Haesŏk ŭi KwanJ ŏm esŏ,”한국 통일정책의 전개과정: 현실주의적 해석의 관점에서(Reviewing South Korea`s Reunification Policy: In the Lens of Realistic Interpretation)(2011):253~258
Oh Kwan-Chi. “Is There a Natural Process of National Reunification for the Two Koreas?” Korean journal of defense analysis vol.9 No.2 (1997):216
Oh Kwan-Chi. “Is There a Natural Process of National Reunification for the Two Koreas?”,217
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What are the challenges of peaceful Korean reunification and what efforts should be made to achieve it?
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