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Balancing Two Rights Equally - On Racist Speech

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




In these days, there are many conflicting rights between people since each of their situation and thought are different. However, since it is not easy to determine which right is more important than the other, striking a balance between two rights is important. Charles R. Lawrence Ⅲ, an author of On Racist Speech, balances two conflicting rights which include freedom of speech and the right not to be discriminated by race, and argues that racist speech should be carefully regulated before asserting First Amendment and Freedom of Speech. Lawrence says racial discriminative speech should be regulated by university officers in private places where victims cannot avoid it (para, 7), but should not be regulated in public since the minorities can avoid or defend themselves together (para, 8). He also shows how harmful racist speech is, by mentioning Brown v. Board of Education, which shows that the victims got the scars from implied message of segregation and refers that if the black children had had “additional burden” by that message, they would have had unequal opportunity when they are at school (para, 12, 13).

참고 자료

Hall, Brian S. ‘유럽이 제창한 잊혀질 권리의 의미’, IT World Korea. 2014, June 10
Retrieved from http://www.itworld.co.kr/news/87911
심재석, ‘잊혀질 권리, 개인정보보호인가 표현의 자유 침해인가’, 디데일리 뉴스, 2014.6.10
Retrieved from http://www.ddaily.co.kr/news/article.html?no=119222
송진식, ‘잊혀질 권리 논쟁 불붙는다’, 경향신문, 2013.6.6
Retrieved from http://bizn.khan.co.kr/khan_art_view.html?artid=201406061658061 &code=930100&med=khan
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Balancing Two Rights Equally - On Racist Speech
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